IN ACTION If You Want a Career in Social Justice, Read This First The wide range of needs in the social justice field makes it a diverse workforce to be a part of. A career in social justice is both fulfilling and demanding.…Hannah WebsterApril 18, 2023
POLICY The Bail Problem is Bigger in Texas Bigger isn’t always better. Texas’ big bail system causes far more problems than it solves.Nicole Zayas ManzanoApril 17, 2023
CLIENT STORIES Charles Went From Living the American Dream to Being Stuck in Jail Pretrial "My first thought when it came to bail was that it was a politicized issue. There is more to it than most people think."Melissa EtehadApril 10, 2023
POLICYPRESS RELEASES The Bail Project Responds to Changes to the State Constitution of Wisconsin that Expand the Use of Cash Bail Cash bail has no place in a justice system that promises equal justice under the law.Jeremy ChersonApril 6, 2023