LEARN Amplifying Voices Against Cash Bail: The Power of Client Stories Stories of real people, real lives, and the real consequences of an unforgiving and unjust cash bail system.Hannah WebsterAugust 23, 2023
POLICY Public Safety Lies in the Hands of New York Judges New York judges should take a page from Lady Liberty’s book when it comes to pretrial decision making.Emma StammenAugust 17, 2023
FREEDOM FUNDERS How To Make A Difference When It Feels Impossible People are told that cash bail is a necessary evil, but we’re proving that change is possible with your support.Meghan HamiltonAugust 14, 2023
LEARN We’re Not Bail Bondsmen and We Never Use Bounty Hunters. Here’s Why. Bail bond agents will tell you that most people flee before returning to court, but our clients prove otherwise.Jeremy ChersonJuly 24, 2023