CLIENT STORIES Ancestral Strength: Ontequa’s Resilience Amidst Adversity Through challenges and incarceration, Ontequa’s steadfast connection to her Salish roots remains her guiding force.Melissa EtehadSeptember 21, 2023
POLICY The Myth of “Having Your Day in Court” As criminal trials go extinct in the shadow of plea bargains, “having your day in court” is transforming into American folklore.Nicole Zayas ManzanoSeptember 18, 2023
LEARN The Bail Project Back To School Syllabus Dive into our all-in-one resource for the basics of the cash bail system.Hannah WebsterSeptember 13, 2023
LEARN Trump’s Bail Outcry Unveils America’s True Justice Disparity Trump spotlighted a "two-tiered justice system," yet missed America's real bail crisis. Wealth often buys freedom, leaving the poor unjustly behind bars.David GasparAugust 24, 2023