Kentucky Faith Leaders Stand with The Bail Project, Oppose HB313 - The Bail Project Skip to main content

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A family like Sandra’s. Read her story below.


Donate to bring someone home today.

Someone like Robert. Read his story below.


Donate to pay someone’s bail today.

Someone like Michael. Read his story below.


Donate to pay someone’s bail today.

Someone like Ashley. Read her story below.


Our justice system is founded on the presumption of innocence, but if you cannot afford bail, you are treated as guilty before you get your day in court. Tying justice to money creates a two-tiered system where the rich and poor are treated differently based entirely on their wealth. This system disproportionately harms our Black communities.

Families without the means to help their loved ones often contact The Bail Project for bail assistance. For many, it’s a choice between paying rent or bail, having money for groceries or bringing their loved one home. This is not right.

The Bail Project, has helped more than 3,500 Louisvillians, and over 20,000 people nationwide.

Importantly, this charitable organization does more than just provide bail – they also provide free transportation to court and referrals to social services for housing, mental health, substance use, and other needs.

The Bail Project is living out a calling to provide for neighbors in need, to offer a helping hand to people in the most desperate moments of their lives. Their work is a living testimony to the redemptive power that we can all have in each other’s lives.

As Americans, we believe in the presumption of innocence and in the importance of everyone, of any income, being treated equally under the law.

As faith leaders, we believe in helping our neighbors and in offering redemption and a second chance.

And this is why we stand with The Bail Project. Please join with us in opposing HB 313.

By providing bail assistance to people who cannot afford it, The Bail Project does not fix the unjust system we have created. But it does provide grace, charity and compassion in the midst of that unjust system. It should be lauded, not restricted.


Rev. Aletha Fields
Bates Memorial

National Council of Jewish Women, Louisville Section

Jemilla Barakaat
Muslim African American Family Association ( M.A.A.F.A)

The Rev. Karl Ruttan
Episcopal Church of the Advent

Rev. Dr. Ann J. Deibert
Central Presbyterian Church

Rev. Mark Baridon
Central Presbyterian Church

Lindsy Wallace

Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Kumar Rashad

Political Concerns Working Group of Loretto LINK

The Very Rev. Matthew Bradley Dean
Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral

Rev. Kent H. Gilbert,
Pastor of Union Church

The Member Bodies of the Kentucky Council of Churches

Rev. Elwood Sturtevant
Minister Emeritus,
All Peoples, a Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Andrew Kang Bartlett
National Associate,
Presbyterian Hunger Program (PCUSA)

Rev. Dwain Lee
Springdale Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church(USA)

Rev. Cindy Geisen

Rev. Patricia Lloyd-Sidle
Presbyterian Church (USA)

Kathy Gapsis
First Unitarian Church

Ashia J. Stoess, M.Div. 
Director of Youth Ministries
Pewee Valley Presbyterian Church

Kathy Wallace
Peace and Justice Formation Minister
St. William Community

Rev. Jane Larsen-Wigger

The Buddhist Justice Collective

Mary Catherine Rabbitt SL

Sangeeta Ayithamattam, SCN
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Luke Chase
Church of the Promise

Rus Ervin Funk
The Justice Center at All Peoples Congregation

Jack Steiner

Rev. Megan McCarty
Highland Presbyterian Church

Dr. Jim Luckett and Lois Luckett LCSW

Mary Swain, SL
Sisters of Loretto
Loretto Motherhouse

Connie Vice 

David Horvath

Rev. Dr. John L. Odom
General Presbyter
Mid-Kentucky Presbytery
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Rev. Karleen A. Jung
Third Lutheran Church

Lizbeth Susan Campbell
affiliated with Passionist Earth and Spirit Center

Reverend Anthony Everett MNN
Executive Director
Mission behind Bars Inc.

Rev. Katherine Kupar
Parish Associate
Harvey Browne Memorial Presbyterian Church

Sister Barbara Nicholas SL
Sisters of Loretto/Co-members of Loretto

Rev. Rebecca Barnes
Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Louisville, KY

Jud Hendrix
Executive Director
Interfaith Paths to Peace

Sr. Catherine Mahady, OP

Rev. Ryan M. Eller
Highland Baptist Church
President, Beloved Community Foundation

Lynne Anderson
Pewee Valley Presbyterian Church
Kentuckians for the Commonwealth

Reverend Joel Weible
Pewee Valley Presbyterian Church
Pewee Valley (Oldham County), KY

Rev. Andrew Rutrough

Eva Stimson
Elder, Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church

Linette R. Lowe
Executive Director
Central Louisville Community Ministries

The Rev. Dr. Daniel Corrie Shull
Burnett Avenue Baptist Church

Risa Musto
member of Central Presbyterian Church and an alum of Louisville Seminary

Rev. Dean W. Bucalos
M.Div., J.D.

The Sowers of Justice Network

Thank you for reading. The Bail Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is only able to provide direct services and sustain systems change work through donations from people like you. If you found value in this article, please consider supporting our work today.