Justice Denied for Breonna Taylor - The Bail Project Skip to main content

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“This heartbreaking announcement stands as a painful reminder that the criminal legal system is incapable of delivering justice for the harm, death and violence it routinely inflicts upon Black Americans. The announcement comes nearly half a year after Breonna Taylor was senselessly killed in her own home by police officers executing a “no-knock” warrant. For months, the Louisville community has stood by Breonna’s family every single day at Injustice Square Park to demand justice, accountability, and create room for healing. Like millions of people across the country, they call for real systemic change that ends racial terror in America. We demand a new day where Black Lives Matter and where communities of color no longer have to live in fear that their loved ones will be taken away by police violence. That change will require a complete reimagining of the criminal legal system, but it can only begin with accountability for these crimes of police violence and a commitment from our elected officials that the days of impunity are over.

We stand in solidarity and mourning with Breonna’s family, our Bail Project team in Louisville, and the Louisville community during these painful moments. As people of conscience take to the streets of Louisville to exercise their first amendment rights in Breonna’s name and in defense of Black lives, our local team of Bail Disruptors stands ready to help those met by arrests and the imposition of cash bail. Justice must prevail.”

IMAGE: flickr Annette Bernhardt CC BY-SA 2.0

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