The Fulton County Jail Crisis Requires Cash Bail Reform - The Bail Project Skip to main content

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In August, a Georgia Senate subcommittee delivered recommendations to address dire conditions in Atlanta’s Fulton County Jail. But one crucial solution was absent: bail reform.

The inquiry was the result of recent reports that suggest a long list of problems plague the jail, including extreme crowding, crumbling infrastructure, rampant violence, medical neglect and a deplorably high death toll within the jail. In just two years, more than two dozen inmates died, either in the jail or shortly after being transported to medical facilities.

As a result of the probe, the subcommittee handed down 17 recommendations aimed at resolving the crisis. After reviewing these proposed solutions, one thing becomes clear: They will do very little to address the crisis happening at the jail.

More than 1,600 people are incarcerated in Fulton County Jail. Most people don’t realize, however, that a majority of these people have been deemed eligible for release by a judge. The only reason they remain behind bars is because they cannot afford bail.

The subcommittee’s recommendations, however, are surface level and focus on bureaucratic band-aid fixes — such as hiring third-party experts, streamlining processes and even suggesting that Superior Court judges carry full dockets. These recommendations not only include ideas that are already underway but also contradict themselves because the legislators praise policies that have reduced the jail population while pushing the city to transfer a jail facility to the county to expand incarceration.

But perhaps the most striking aspect of the report is that it ignores the elephant in the room: the devastating impact Senate Bill 63 will have in making this crisis grow worse, the fact that the report’s authors support this bill and the missed opportunity for bail reform to address the county jail’s failures.

The law expands the use of cash bail in the state, mandating judges to assign bail for minor offenses, including marijuana possession and protesting. This means in cases in which they would have previously decided to release people without financial conditions, judges are now asking people to buy their freedom as they await their trial. To make matters worse, this new law also restricts anyone in Georgia — except for-profit bail bond companies — from helping more than three people per year. Although it’s still too early to know how this new law will affect jail populations in the state, what’s likely to happen is that more people will be incarcerated before their trial as a result, which will only make the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Fulton County Jail worse.

This op-ed originally appeared in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

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Bail Project CEO David Gaspar in a suit looking at the camera, in an office environment
Chief Executive Officer

David Gaspar

As the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Gaspar leads the strategic planning, organizational management, programmatic development, external affairs, and fundraising activities for the organization. Mr. Gaspar joined The Bail Project as a Bail Disruptor shortly after the organization’s launch and quickly rose through the ranks to become an Operations Manager, Regional Director, and eventually the National Director of Operations. A formerly incarcerated individual directly affected by the cash bail system, Mr. Gaspar earned his GED and bachelor’s degree and studied law while in prison, won his appeal, and was released 11 years early. Building upon his direct lived experience in the criminal justice system and fulfilling his commitment to social justice, he dedicates his spare time to efforts that help stabilize lives by mentoring young people and facilitating re-entry for people returning from incarceration. He has earned several certifications including an Offender Workforce Development Specialist certification from the National Institute of Corrections, the highest-level certification in Lean Six Sigma, and certifications in Results Based Accountability (RBA) and Trauma-Informed Community Building. Mr. Gaspar was recently selected for the Galaxy Gives Leadership program and is a graduate of JustLeadership USA’s Leading with Conviction program. A proud Mexican-American, husband, father of five, and grandfather, Mr. Gaspar’s work with The Bail Project is an embodiment of his hope for a brighter future, where better systems of justice are possible.

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