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The Bail Project in GeorgiaPRESS RELEASES
July 22, 2024

The Bail Project to Resume Operations in Atlanta

Organization to continue charitable work after judge temporarily blocks restrictive law
Do you really have the right to a lawyer?LEARN
July 19, 2024

Expectation vs. Reality: Your Right to a Lawyer

If you can’t afford a lawyer, you might not get one. At every step of a court case, your Constitutional right to an attorney may surprise you.
Detroit, MI and Cash Bail ReformPOLICY
July 17, 2024

Take it from a Chief Judge: Bail Reform Works

Detroit sees a dramatic decrease in crime, and safer communities, by limiting the use of cash bail.
Charles and the Bail ProjectCLIENT STORIES
July 16, 2024

Two Decades After His First Arrest, Charles Finally Received Help

Forced to support himself, Charles was swept into the disproportionate impact of mass incarceration on Black Americans following the War on Drugs.